Tuesday, October 14, 2003

A beautiful day!

I just love it when God blesses us with beautiful weather! Fall has finally and officially arrived!!!! Woo hoo!! I saw it when it came. It was the coolest thing!

I was driving to my house after going by the bank and could actually see fall arrive. Let me explain: this morning when I woke up, the sky was overcast and it was muggy outside. Not really hot, but just yucky. Well, when the front was moving through, you could actually see where the clouds ended and the blue skies began! It was cool! By the time I got to my house, there was a wind out of the north, blowing through the trees and you could just feel fall arriving! It was fantastic! I was so excited and the rest of my day was just great! This is my absolute favorite time of year!

In other news....I am really enjoying this Bible study - "A Call To Die". Well, enjoying may not be the right word....but it will do. I know one thing - I am learning a lot about myself. (I think I said that in another post.) It has been very revealing - and not always easy. I believe that God is about to do something in my life, or allow something big to take place. I only wish He would give me a "heads up" about it. Well, I guess He is - I know that I am supposed to be preparing for whatever it is by spending time in the word. I need to take some time to just "listen". I'm not real good at that.

Anyway - my battery is about to die and I'm getting cold sitting here at Cups, so I guess I'll go for now. I'm going to go home and open some windows! :)

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