Let's see...there's been a lot going on that I haven't blogged about, so here's one event I wanted to share:
It occurred on the Saturday before Halloween. I was at church, with my youth group, and we were in the middle of our meeting, when all of a sudden these people just walked into the church. They were kids, between the ages of 9-15 or 16, who were out trick-or-treating and getting into trouble. Two of them came in and wanted water. So I gave them some (our water fountain is broken, but we have a filtered water machine). Anyway, one of the kids that came in was lingering a long time, and I was trying to usher him back out. Now before you get upset at me trying to get the kid out of the church - we were at the end of our time together and this just wasn't the time to try and invite them to join us. I knew they were up to something, and I had no idea how right I was.
So I get to the door with the kid, he steps outside and I see that there are probably 5-6 other kids out there. Anyway, when I see them, I motion back to one of my kids to bring me my cell phone. As I'm turning back around to go outside, I hear this sound, like a cracking egg, and the kids start running off...or at least a few of them start running. I stand out there for just a few seconds and came back in the church and locked the door. I called my brother (who is 6'7" and weighs about 340 lbs) to come to the church. He shows up with my other brother in tow and they look around the church to see what damage was done. I figured those kids had been hurling eggs at the church. Amazingly, they found none. So we concluded our youth meeting, everyone left and I cleaned things up and locked the church. My brothers were both hanging around (the older of the two brothers happens to live right next to the church, but he was with his wife and kids at my parent's house, along with my "big" little brother.) Anyway, I go out to my car, open the back door, lay my stuff in the seat and close the door. It was then I found out what those punk kids had done. As I closed the door, I heard this sound of crunching, crackling glass. I take one step to my right and look at my rear windshield. It was completely shattered - still hanging in place - but completely shattered. I was so mad! It drives me nuts when something I own gets damaged or broken! I'm rather particular about my "stuff".
I called the police and they came out and filed a report. Needless to say, there was NOTHING they could do - or would do. One of my kids recognized one of the punks in the crowd, so I called her to get his name. The cop already knew him, but didn't act like he was even going to go talk to the kid.
Before I left the church, we knocked out the windshield, picked out as much of the glass as we could and I duct taped a garbage bag over the window - or most of it...the bag was too small! As I was leaving to go home, I saw the kid who had been in the church with me, walking with a bunch of kids. I stopped in the middle of the road, jumped out and called out to him. He came over and this state trooper, who had been parked at the gas station on the corner, came driving up. I told him what had happened and that this kid knew who had vandalized my car. He contacted the city police and they came back out....yada yada yada. Suffice it to say, because he was a minor, and his parents weren't present, they really couldn't ask him too many questions. Of course, the kid didn't know the people he'd been hanging out with all night. Yeah...right. I wanted to jerk a knot in his head! (Boy don't I sound like a loving youth leader!) It gets worse - when I realized we weren't getting anywhere and the cops weren't going to do anything, I thanked the officers for their time, and got in my car to go home. I have to confess that I said the following statement to God - "I hope they choke on their halloween candy!!!!....after they come to know you, Jesus!!!" Hey - what would you have done?!!?
Seriously though, I don't hold any hatred in my heart for those kids. I feel sorry for them. They are doomed to repeat the cycle of life their parents are living. I would guess that most, if not all of those kids, have only one parent at home and don't even know their dad. The only way for them to break out is to meet Jesus and have a real, life-changing relationship with Him. Now, I've got to figure out what part I might play in that. Honestly, I don't know any of those kids or where they live, so I can't go meet them and try to minister to them. Besides, I'm not so sure that's what God wants me to do at this time. I know He wants me to pour into the kids I have and help them to gain a solid footing in the faith. I guess I will just pray for those other kids, that God would bring the right people into their lives to challenge them. Timing is everything - and it is always better to wait on God's timing.
Thank God no one was hurt and there wasn't more damage done. My windshield has been replaced and all is well. Can't wait to see what comes up next!