Thursday, May 12, 2005

Memorial stones

We will use these stones to build a memorial. In the future, your children will ask, 'What do these stones mean to you?' Joshua 4:6

Are there certain smells or sounds that take you back to a good memory from your past? Or maybe even a bad memory? Perhaps a song on the radio or a phrase from a movie reminds you of a time and place that have special meaning to you. I don't think it is an accident that we have these triggers or memorial stones in our lives. God, in His divine wisdom, knew that we would have short-term memory...that we would get so caught up in our current situations and forget those good memories unless there was a way to be taken back to those times and places of special meaning.

Sometimes these memorial stones show up unexpectedly and bring a little sunshine to our day. Sometimes, we have to dig and search to find those memorial stones so that we can be reminded of the things God has done in our lives. Recently, my pastor shared about how something in his spirit he thought was lost to him was restored simply by going back and reading through passages in the King James Version of the Bible. He said it was like coming home. For him, reading those passages reminded him of a time in his life where God had moved in some powerful ways - it was a memorial stone that brought him back to God and refreshed him. It's been fun to watch the difference in him.

Over the past couple of days, I, too, have had a similar experience.

Music has always been the way I most worship God. It speaks to that deep part of my spirit that allows me to communicate with God in a way I just don't experience in prayer. Usually, when I'm having a hard time or just feel separated from God, I'll keep the praise and worship music going. The other day, I was discussing something with my friend, when she mentioned a song from a particular cd. The song is "Take Up Your Cross" and it was from the Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir cd, "Live...We Come Rejoicing". I got that cd somewhere in the mid 90's and it was during a time of my life where I was growing in the Lord and really learning about Him. It was a good time. So when she mentioned the song, I immediately pulled out the cd and set it with my stuff so that I could listen to it at work the next day.

I listened to that cd (actually, I have two of their cd's so I listened to both of them) all day long. Immersing myself in that music reminded me of a time where God showed Himself faithful to me and helped me to finally let go of something that has been holding me back. I feel refreshed and energized in a way I haven't felt for quite some time.

I've learned a valuable lesson. I think it is great when we are reminded of God's faithfulness when we least expect it, but it is also very important to go back and find those memorial stones, or mile markers, from our journey of faith that force us to remember what God has done. I had forgotten some things...but by going back to this memorial stone from my life, I now remember. And now I feel like I'm going to break through to that next level that I've been unable to reach.

What memorial stones have been left on your journey of faith? Do you need to go back and visit them and be reminded of what God has done in your life? Don't get so caught up in the here and now and the destination you are killing yourself to get to, that you forget to reflect on where you've been. Those memorial stones are there for a reason.

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