Thursday, August 25, 2005

Checkin' in

I cannot believe how much stuff is going on in my life and around me! Just about the time you think things are going to settle down a bit, all heck breaks loose! Things at my church just seem to be exploding. The street ministry I'm involved with is taking off and going to a new level. Youth group (which is part of the church explosion) is right on the verge of some exciting things - I'm believing God for that. And at work - we're about to be off and running in so many ways, it makes my head spin to think about it.

How exciting!!!

Even though there are some things I'm dealing with personally (that I wish I wasn't having to) this is absolutely the best time of my life! I've got some awesome friends. My family is doing well. I couldn't ask for better co-workers. And I've recently met some people that are really cool! It's all good!

I'm encouraged and optimistic about life and the future....and I'm extremely tired!!!!! :)

Tonight, I'm hoping to hit the hay early!


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