Monday, June 02, 2003

Now I know I'm getting old

"Kiki, you need to get married."

This was the statement made to me yesterday by my 5 year old niece. I was speechless! "Oh my goodness", I thought to myself, "what have I done to bring about this question?" So I asked her, "Who told you I needed to get married?"



"On the way to Papaw's house."

"Oh, ok."

I knew there was another aspect of this conversation that I wasn't privy to at that moment, so later, I asked my sister-in-law about it. Sure enough, my niece had asked when I was going to have a baby and my sister-in-law had told her I had to get married first. I guess my niece is thinking about babies these days since she already has one brother and one sister, and my brother and his wife are expecting a fourth child in September.

Still, every time I think about this conversation, it makes me laugh. I have finally gotten to the place where I am content. I honestly thought this day would never come. There was a time when I couldn't stop thinking about getting married and finding "the one". Sure, I would like to be married and believe I will be one day, but for this moment, my plate is full and I am satisfied. God has been so good to me, I cannot complain. I have a wonderful family (and super nieces and a nephew!), outstanding friends and I am a part of an incredible body of believers on a weekly basis. I couldn't ask for more.

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