Tuesday, February 24, 2004

The Passion of the Christ

Well, folks, I'm about to go and see this film. I must say, I'm nervous. There is that part of me that wants to know what Christ went through for me, but on the other hand, I don't want to know.

I feel like this is going to be one of those times in my life I'll look back on and recognize as a "mile-marker" in my walk of faith. There will be a reckoning for what I know. How will I be able to walk away from this visual interpretation (one, I believe, that will be the most accurate we could ever see without ever having been there in person) of Christ's Passion and not be changed? That, perhaps, is what scares me the most.

Each time I want to do things my own way, will I see, in my mind's eye, a vision of Christ being beaten for me? I hope so. I want to always keep Him first in my heart and mind. As I said in my post yesterday, I never want to treat Christ's sacrifice carelessly again.

If I am able, I will post something later on about the film. Pray for us - FCA is hosting a preview of the film for a lot of high school and college athletes. Satan has already tried to create havoc, so I know miraculous things will take place as a result of this film. Pray for those people who will give their lives to the One who gave His life for them.

More, later....

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